
About Acupuncture and Electro Acupuncture

At 4e Clinic, our trained Advanced Medical Acupuncture Specialists are qualified in both Dry Needling/Acupuncture and Electro Acupuncture.

Acupuncture (or as it is sometimes called in the west: “Dry Needling”) is a traditional Chinese medical practice that involves the insertion of thin needles into specific points on the body. These points, known as acupuncture points or acupoints, are believed to be connected by pathways known as meridians, through which vital energy, or “Qi,” flows. The aim of acupuncture is to restore the balance of Qi within the body, promoting health and well-being.

During an acupuncture session, a licensed acupuncturist will carefully insert sterile, disposable needles into specific acupoints. The needles used are very thin and flexible, and their insertion is typically painless or causes minimal discomfort. The number of needles used and the depth of insertion depend on the condition being treated and the individual’s specific needs.

Acupuncture is commonly used for various purposes, including pain management, stress reduction, and promoting overall wellness. It is often used to alleviate conditions such as headaches, back pain, osteoarthritis, menstrual cramps, and nausea, among others. The needles may be left in place for a short period or manipulated by the acupuncturist, such as gently twirling or applying heat or electrical stimulation to the needles.

Electro acupuncture is a variation of traditional acupuncture that incorporates electrical stimulation. In electro acupuncture, the acupuncturist attaches small clips or electrodes to the inserted needles, and a low-frequency electrical current is passed through them. The electrical stimulation can be adjusted in intensity and frequency, depending on the specific treatment goals.

Electro acupuncture is believed to enhance the effects of traditional acupuncture by providing a continuous and controlled stimulation to the acupoints. It is often used for conditions that involve pain or muscle tension, such as chronic pain, musculoskeletal disorders, and neurological conditions. The electrical stimulation is thought to modulate the nervous system, promote the release of endorphins (natural pain-relieving substances), and improve blood circulation in the treated area.

Both acupuncture and electro acupuncture are considered safe when performed by trained and licensed practitioners. However, it’s important to consult with a qualified healthcare professional before pursuing these treatments, especially if you have any underlying health conditions or are taking medications. Our free, initial consultation can be conducted via either telephone or video call and will last up to 30 minutes. During this consultation we will explore what has brought you to considering acupuncture and work out which, if any, treatment is best for you.

Acupuncture/Dry Needling
Electro Acupuncture